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Dapper Bulk Merge
The Dapper Plus BulkMerge method allows performing UPSERT operations (update/insert) in your database and improves your performance by 5000% and more.
2023-01-08 18:29:43 UTC

Bulk Merging Data With Dapper

A merge is equivalent to an UPSERT (Update/Insert) operation. Existing data in the database will be updated, and non-existing data will be inserted.

The easiest and fastest way to merge data is by using the Dapper Plus third-party library.

The BulkMerge method makes that operation very easy to use and improves the performance by 5000% depending more on the provider.

Getting Started

NuGet Package:


Dapper BulkMerge

Dapper Plus BulkMerge helps with Bulk Merge operations for Dapper. It allows you to perform bulk inserts, updates, and deletes into the database in a single operation.

  • It can reduce the complexity of writing multiple queries and adds an extra layer of performance optimization.
  • It also supports batching, which helps minimize round trips to the database by grouping commands together.
  • Additionally, it provides helpful features such as conditional merging, making creating custom logic for merging data easier. Using the BulkMerge method is very simple. All you need to do is pass your entities in the parameter and let the automapping matching properties with column names:

Dapper BulkMerge with Global Context Mapping

The BulkMerge is also very flexible. It is possible to insert all properties and ignore some properties during the updates phase:

// Global Mapping requires to be mapped globally only once
	.IgnoreOnMergeUpdate(x => new { x.CreatedDate, x.CreatedUser });
// ...code...
connection.BulkMerge("Customer_IgnoreAuditProperty", customers);

Dapper BulkMerge with Instance Context Mapping

When using a global context mapping, you need to set the mapping only once since it is global, but that’s also possible to set the mapping inside a method to specify some configuration at runtime:

public void CustomBulkMerge<T>(List<T> entities, List<string> propertieIgnoreOnUpdateNames) where T : class
	var context = new DapperPlusContext();
	propertieIgnoreOnUpdateNames.ForEach(x =>

All of these features make BulkMerge an essential method for optimizing the performance of your data access layer.

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